Dow Receives Legislative Service Award

Oct 9, 2019

The New Mexico Academy of Physician Assistants (NMAPA) recognized Rebecca Dow for her work in the New Mexico House. Dallas Lipscomb, who is on the Board of the NMAPA and is a local medical provider, had the honor of introducing Representative Dow to the academy and for presenting her with the NMAPA Legislative Service Award.

Rebecca Dow grew up in Truth or Consequences. After attending college and starting a family she moved back for one reason – To improve the quality of life for families with children.

She’s started three nonprofits that serve families prenatal through 24 years of age. Her current effort is launching a community behavioral health center that will provide a variety of arts and therapy services as an avenue of hope and healing. She is New Mexico True, she works hard and she is in our house.

Dow serves on the Health and Human Services and behavioral health subcommittee that recognized PA’s as behavioral health providers. She worked hard to ensure that patients with mental health challenges could get care from their PAs. Her legislative efforts helped promote programs to recruit and retain health care providers to rural areas, giving patients access to desperately needed care.

Even though she has been involved with legislating bills, her favorite aspect as a House Representative is helping people. She advocates for her constituents as needs arise. When a senior needs access to chemo treatments, a vet needs help paying for emergency services, a senior who needs meals on wheels to deliver to their home, or a child needs an individualized education plan, we are glad Representative Dow is in the House. That is why she was chosen for the 2019 NMAPA Legislative Service award.